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Good Way Launches the World’s 1st Thunderbolt™ 4  Docking Station Certified by Intel for Windows and Mac.

東碩資訊領先全球拿下英特爾及蘋果最新的Thunderbolt™ 4 擴充基座認證

電腦週邊大廠東碩資訊股份有限公司(3272)於2020年11月16日率先宣布最新Thunderbolt™ 4筆電擴充基座產品已通過英特爾以及蘋果的正式認證,已可量產出貨,再次確立東碩資訊於擴充基座之領先地位。 

東碩資訊專攻高速訊號傳輸以及整合技術,產品主要使用Thunderbolt™以及USB 技術之筆電擴充基座。東碩資訊與英特爾自2012 起,共同合作推動Thunderbolt™技術,歷經了三代的技術演進合作。隨著英特爾在今年推出 Thunderbolt™ 4控制器8000系列,英特爾最新的第11代Tiger Lake處理器均內建Thunderbolt™4為標準介面, 並採用USB Type-C連接埠設計,是企業客戶及專業用戶擴充基座的最佳方案。 

東碩資訊此次通過認證的Thunderbolt™ 4擴充基座具備4個Thunderbolt™ 連接埠,在一條單一Type-C的連接線下,可傳輸最高達40Gbps的資訊、連接單台8K或兩台4K@60Hz顯示器輸出,可外接顯卡,同時可以傳輸最高接近100瓦的電力充電。東碩資訊的Thunderbolt™ 4產品同時兼容USB4及USB3.2/ 3.1/ 3.0/ 2.0。不論是Thunderbolt™ 4或是USB4,皆是一個更加便利的介面以連接更多的周邊設備。 

對於Thunderbolt™ 4這項新技術要維持高頻訊號傳輸品質、面對高頻阻抗匹配問題、且要設法降低高頻信號在PCB及連接器上的衰減等種種技術難題皆是對新產品開發者的考驗與挑戰。然而,東碩資訊透過與英特爾的合作,成功推出領先全球的Thunderbolt™ 4 筆電擴充基座,可用於Windows 、 Linux 及最新搭載M1 CPU 及MacOS 11的MacBook Air、MacBook Pro 等Thunderbolt™ 或USB的筆電,達到跨平台使用的高端技術。 

東碩資訊與英特爾多年來對於Thunderbolt™產品開發進行充分密切的合作,而英特爾投資部 (Intel Capital) 也於2017年參與東碩資訊的私募案。雙方針對Thunderbolt™產品的開發以及推廣一向不遺餘力,期待未來產品能持續推廣並普及Thunderbolt™ 的技術應用。 



Companies mentioned in this release:

About Good Way

Good Way (TPEX: 3272.TT) is an ODM leader specialized in docking stations and hubs. Good Way supports its brand customers with state-of-the-art innovation designs and works closely with tier 1 technology companies to lead the industry. To learn more about Good Way, go to

About Intel

Intel (Nasdaq: INTC) is an industry leader that creates world-changing technology which enables global progress and enriches lives. To learn more about Intel, go to

About Apple

Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) is a company that evolutionized personal technology with the Macintosh. Today, Apple leads the world in innovation with mobile devices, computing devices, operating systems and services. To learn more about Apple, go to

© Good Way Technology Co., Ltd, the Good Way logo and other Good Way marks are trademarks of Good Way or its subsidiaries. © Intel Corporation. Intel, the Intel logo and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. © Apple Inc. Apple, the Apple logo and other Apple marks are trademarks of Apple Inc. or its subsidiaries. 
Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others 


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