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2002 Taiwan Excellence Winner

The Mark of Taiwan's Best

In 1993, CETRA (China External Trade Development Council) instituted the symbol of Excellence Awards, an annual selection that heralds Taiwan's best-designed, most innovative, and highest-quality products. Overseen by CETRA, the symbol of Excellence is awarded annually by the R.O.C. government to a selected group of products.

To be selected, products must excel in the following five categories: quality system, product design, R & D/innovation, market position, and brand awareness. Since its inception, the symbol of Excellence has become the most prestigious product recognition program in Asia, with hundreds of Taiwan companies competing annually for the award.

Judged by a pannel of experts, the Symbol of Excellence products represent the full spectrum of Taiwan industry which includes office automation, machinery, hardware and building materials, consumer eletronics, electrical appliances, communication products, computer hardware & software, medical instruments/optical apparatus, transportation, bicycles, sporting goods, jewelry and timepieces, stationery/gifts/toys, and textiles. Each year, however, information technology related products earn nearly half of the awards.


Gold and Silver Winners

From the overall group of Symbol of Excellence recipients, a select number of products (no more than 30) will also receive the prestigious National Award of Excellence. These companies are presented with Gold or Silver awards at the annual Celebration of Excellence ceremony.

The Selection Process

The entire Symbol of Excellence program is divided into three phases. First, a local pannel of distinguished scholars, scientists, and other experts select the Symbol of Excellence winners, after which, these judges choose up to 30 finalists. An international panel comprised of eaders of the quality system, design, media, manufacturing, and marketing industries then select the Gold and Silver recipients are all products manufactured in Taiwan are eligible for awards. This includes Taiwan name brand products, as well as products manufactured on an OEM or ODM basis. In additon to Taiwan companies, foreign firms can enter any product that was manufactured in Taiwan.