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Submitted by endlin on 8 November 2022
Company Name Good Way Technology Co., Ltd.
Code 3272
Market TPEx-listed company
Industry Computer and Peripheral Equipment
Main Products Mobile Expansion Unit
signal transducer/signal converter
Date of establishment 1993/2/4
Date of Listing 2014/8/26
Net paid-in capital NTD$ 611,680,180
Cchairperson Tsao,Tse-Cheng
Address of company 3F-4 NO.131,LANE 235,Pau-Chiao Rd.,Hsin-Tien DistrictNew Taipei City,Taiwan, R.O.C.
Stock transfer agency Mega-Securities Co., LTD
Accounting Firm PricewaterhouseCoopers Taiwan
Telephone (02)8919-1200
Fax (02)8919-1220
Email Address of IR Contact Person
Web Address